Saturday, March 3, 2007

Ethical Issues

LG: What is ethics?
BG: Well....

LG: You don't know do you?
BG: Yes, they are is branch of philosophy that deals with right and wrong and choices we make about what to do, does that make sense?

BG: Ok, well it is like what is the right thing to do to your cats? Do you feed them and pet them or slam them against a tree for fun?

LG: hmm..yesterday do you know how you accidently do things. well...that happened.
BG: what happened?

LG: well, since the cats are little i was swinging my sword above them...well...hmmm....i accidently hit them.
BG: This happens a lot with you. And that isn't good is it?

LG: No.
BG: So, ethics would be you and I discussing the way in which you deal with animals. what is the right way to deal with your cats?

LG: not to swing them against a tree and bang them against a tree and not to yell in their ears and not to do anything bad to them just give them food and water and play with them and pet them.
BG: yes, you should apply an ethical system for your cats that is similar to the way you treat your friends. except for the petting part. some friends may not like that.

LG: funny dad...
BG: i know son, i know.....

LG: can we go outside now dad, i am dying to go outside
BG: yes, let us go cut some wood and scream outside...


Kerry and Beth said...

LG, here is an ethical question for you about pets. Is it the right thing to take a cat, for example, to the veterinarian so that the veterinarian fixes the cat so it can't have little kittens? It might seem like a bad thing in some ways. But why might it be a good thing? Think about that and let me know. (Grandpa)

Laura S Scott said...

LG, is it ok for me to not like cats? I find them to be annoying and I don't like that they make me sneeze. I don't think you will ever see me petting one, but I promise not to swing my sword at them and hit them against the trees.

Guy said...

Cousin Laura, well, if you want to you can ask the doctor to help you not to be allergic to cats so that you can like them. I was only 5 when i swung him against the deck post. It wasn't a tree...Daddy was not was the porch post and i swung him against the thing. Mommy called me in then Daddy grounded me until he got home from work.

Grandpa, well if there's too many kittens then probably some of them have to be inside so they'll wreck up your furniture. So i don't think that you'll want to have kittens. It's ok to have a cat not to have kittens because they'll wreck up your furniture.

Erica said...

When I was little, my sisters and I had a cat named Crybaby Crypsie and we used to pick her up by her tail and send her down our slide.

She ran away.

Now I have a cat, Ira (you've met her LG), and I'm nice to her, but all she does is bite me.

I guess cats don't know anything about ethics.

Lydia said...

This is unrelated to your conversation about ethics. Just out of curiousity, do you cook or help prepare things in the kitchen? If so, what's your favorite thing to make? I'm always on the look-out for new recipes.
Cousin Lydia in V.W.

Guy said...

No, Cousin Lydia, I do not work in the kitchen. But Mommy wants me to but I never do. But my favorite thing is macaroni and cheese and meat, like pork.